3Spirit awarded Adult Safeguarding tender from Suffolk County Council - 3Spirit Training

3Spirit awarded Adult Safeguarding tender from Suffolk County Council

Georgia Whitehouse

3Spirit has secured an additional training contract with Suffolk County Council to deliver a suite of Adult Safeguarding courses.

The team looks forward to continuing working in partnership with Suffolk County Council, ensuring their team can further develop their skills to identify and tackle any safeguarding concerns that may arise in order to better support those in their care.

Sarah Ramsey, Learning and Development Advisor at Suffolk County Council, comments, “We have recently awarded 3Spirit to deliver a suite of Adult Safeguarding courses for Suffolk County Council staff. In the current contract, we asked for Adult Safeguarding for a new starter and two-year renewal, Safeguarding Adults for ASC Managers (for our Adult and Community Services), and Safeguarding Adult Enquiry Skills.

“This is the second contract 3Spirit has held with us to deliver Adult Safeguarding courses; we have found them to be accommodating and flexible with any requests and their training is delivered to a high standard with excellent feedback from learners.”