Programme Overview
This course is mapped to the Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management for Adult Care.
Having a strong safeguarding strategy should be at the heart of all social care practice. However, many services fail to deliver a proactive preventative approach to safeguarding and instead have a disproportionate approach to protection, are predominately reactive and, at times fail to act on lessons learnt.
The context in which we deliver safeguarding has been transformed since the pandemic – not only is there a direct impact on the client groups we support, but also on the working practices that support the safe delivery of care and support. For example, the digitalisation of health and care processes provides challenges and opportunities for strategic safeguarding practice in:
- The access and application of data.
- Supporting and recording of decisions.
- Partnership working.
- Commissioning and contract management.
- Identifying and mitigating ways that technology facilities abuse.
- Utilising technology as a form of prevention.
Aims & Objectives
The aim of this course is to prepare managers to have a strategic view of safeguarding in their own service. To be able to identify challenges and opportunities in an increasingly digitalised environment and to develop a capable, confident culture that has partnership working at its heart. The overall focus of this course is to enable managers to focus on quality of life, working preventatively, understanding proportionality, and fostering stronger partnerships that will strengthen their safeguarding service.
Through the delivery and assessment process, participants will be given the opportunity to consider how effectively the organisations policies support the aims of safeguarding. There will be a specific focus on changes related to MCA practice, such as considering the complexities of executive function and Liberty Protection Safeguards. Participants will be given the opportunity to examine other areas of policy that pertain to safeguarding such as recruitment, partnership working, restrictive practice and health and safety.
This programme will enable practitioners to determine the links between strength-based approaches, positive risk taking and Making Safeguarding Personal. It will help managers to understand the broader role of risk assessments as well as how to adopt creative approaches to fostering a shared vision and competency in their own teams. The course will enable practitioners to consider multiple dimensions of risk, considering how these intersect. Candidates will get the opportunity to consider the role of technology in facilitating and mitigating risks, as part of dynamic risk assessment.
Through group discussion and assessed work, the Level 5 Safeguarding Adults for Managers Accredited Course candidates will develop a range of safeguarding strategies and a prevention plan.
This course is accredited by Advantage Accreditations, to a Level 5. Candidates must complete all assessed work to pass the course. The course is delivered over four half day (3-hour) live sessions and candidates will have access to a range of additional resources. Attendance is required on a further half day for assessment.

Programme Information
Course Information Sheet
Download the course information sheet here for more information about the course.
Who should attend the Level 5 Safeguarding Adults for Managers Accredited Course?
This course is suitable for managers and senior managers. Staff attending should already have a basic understanding of safeguarding and should have some strategic/management responsibility in the organisation they work in.
What resources would be made available to the course attendants?
Candidates will receive:
- Workbook
- Handouts
- Range of multi-media resources, including cascade safeguarding infographic resources
- The 3Spirit PREVENT Safeguarding Tool/Additional Tools
- Access to 3Spirit’s Safeguarding Board
How long is the course?
The guided learning hours for this course are 37 hours. The course is delivered over an eight-week period. Candidates are expected to attend all four half-day live training sessions (12 hours total) and spend the additional time to complete the course assessment. Individuals that opt for participation in the Implementation Support Pathway will be on the programme for a further twelve weeks.
How is the course assessed?
The course is accredited and therefore course candidates must complete the course assessment to achieve the award and the Level 5 Safeguarding Adults for Managers Accredited Course accreditation.
The Level 5 Safeguarding Adults for Managers Accredited Course assessment includes:
- Completion of a workbook
- Short presentation
- Online assessment
- Classroom assessment
Why should you complete this course? What is in it for you?
This course reflects contemporary challenges and incorporates updated guidance including the proposed updates in MCA. The world we live in has changed, managers need to have new skills to understand how technology intersects with safeguarding, as neglecting this will lead to costly safeguarding incidents. Investing in training in the short term can be preventative and reduce costs in the long term.
As an accredited course, our Level 5 Safeguarding Adults for Managers Accredited Course offers great employment prospects to potential future employers. This course offers enhanced skills and may also be used in conjunction with a teaching qualification by individuals wishing to deliver safeguarding training in their own service (at the discretion of their organisations). Cascade safeguarding resources are available to support teaching and learning.
What is the location, date and time of the course?
There are currently a few open cohorts available for this course. The open cohorts will be delivered online, as interactive live training sessions, via Zoom. Open cohorts are suitable for individuals wishing to enrol themselves and/or a few of their team members on this course.
The course can be delivered across different dates/platforms for your organisation (via a private cohort). Private cohorts are suitable for bigger training requirements (8 or more candidates). Our organisation is experienced with delivering private cohorts, having delivered this course privately to a range of services, including Drugs and Alcohol, Mental Health, Housing and Learning Disabilities/Autism. For each private cohort, we have been able to bespoke parts of this course to the specific needs of the service.
There is a discount available for private cohorts. Email us at info@3spirittraining.com if you would like to enquire about and/or book a private cohort for this course.
The September/October 2024 open cohort will be delivered via Zoom, on:
- Part 1 of Training – Tuesday 10 September 2024 – 10:00 to 13:00
- Part 2 of Training – Tuesday 17 September 2024 – 10:00 to 13:00
- Part 3 of Training – Tuesday 24 September 2024 – 10:00 to 13:00
- Part 4 of Training – Tuesday 01 October 2024 – 10:00 to 13:00
- Presentation Assessment Session – Tuesday 03 December 2024 – 10:00 to 13:00 (each learner would have up to 30 minutes to deliver their presentation).
What is the cost of the course and what are the payment options?
The cost of the course is £750 + VAT and Eventbrite Fees.
This needs to be paid at least 14 days before the start of the course. Refunds will only be applicable if at least 30 days’ cancellation notice is given before the course start date. Tickets cannot be transferred to alternative course dates. Admin fees are non-refundable.
Course Learning Outcomes and Mapping to National Standards
To view the course learning outcomes and mapping to national standards, please visit pages 4 and 5 of the course information sheet.